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Agile eLearning development (6): Recap

Over the past weeks I have written a series of blog post on agile eLearning development. There is much more to tell, but I decided that it is enough for now. Here is a recap of the posts.

Leaving ADDIE for SAM
The book ‘Leaving Addie’ for Sam by Michael Allen and Richard Sites inspired me to write these series. A must read for anyone involved in eLearning development.

Business goals and road maps
Part of the growing up from eLearning is that it becomes part of the business and therefore must contribute to the business goals. In this post I describe the method of Impact mapping that will help you do that for software development, there is a clear link with the action mapping approach for elearning by Cathy More.

A successful implementation of an agile method requires a certain culture. It’s about teams and about responsibilities on the right place (less hierarchical). But most of all it is a different attitude of doing instead of ‘documenting’.

Demo’s, user stories and backlog
This post describes some techniques from an agile method that can be applied to eLearning one-on-one. For me the most important one are the demo’s. The development team showing results every week or two weeks. If you would just implements this it would be a major change.

Planning and execution
This post describes the agile way of planning and estimation through story points and the concept of done. I know that story points have some disadvantages as does the ‘traditional’ way of planning. I like it and if you would try it out it will definitely give you some new insights in your planning and development process.

Chatty Kidz
A contribution by Ken Taggert who is developing an educational app for kids. He describes his agile method, which contains a lot of interesting parts, also from the perspective of eLearning development.

That sort of wraps it up. I’m looking forward to the new book of Michael Allen, in which he will describe a lot of agile eLearning techniques. I will buy it and review it for you.

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