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T-mobile e-Learning hackaton: let your employees do the work

Last week T-Mobile in The Netherlands organized an e-Learning hackaton for its employees. They had the opportunity to create an e-Learning course with either Articulate Storyline or Easygenerator. T-mobile organized this hackaton to see if people are interested in this and to find out if they were able to create a course without any training. A booth was set up in their central hall during a day with all kinds of employee events. People could just drop in, and start authoring. Half of the computers was set up to work with Articulate Storyline, the other half with Easygenerator.

Too many request

The business reason behind this event is simple. The Learning and development staff receives too many requests for training, more than they can handle. Next to that they also get many requests for very specific (and small) audiences. Often too small to justify the involvement of the Learning department. The possible solution: give learners the tools to create e-Learning by themselves. We hear this more and more; it is also the exact same reason for a company like Nielsen to offer Easygenerator to all its employees.

The hackaton

A hackaton is a sort of a contest. In this case to see who can create the best e-Learning course. The winner gets a prize. For me it was really interesting to see how people with no experience in e-Learning or with Easygenerator create courses in our environment (you can see me observing at the far right of the picture). I have to admit that I did find a couple of points where we can make improvements.

The result

I don’t know if T-Mobile will decide to offer Easygenerator to all their employees yet. But both the staff and the participants at the event were really positive.

Although half of the available computers was set up to work with Articulate Storyline, at the end of the day all users had switched to Easygenerator (on their own initiative).  Not a single course was created with Storyline; while all participants had been able to create and publish a course. Not a bad outcome as far I’m concerned.

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