Site icon Kasper Spiro

The power of TinCan is slowly kicking in

It’s now three weeks after mlearncon and for me the power of project TinCan is still sinking in. At first I thought:’Cool now we can measure learning experiences outside an LMS, that’s pretty big!’. But now I’m more like: ‘Wow, learning experiences in social media, websites, intranets and apps all will be from now on the domain of (e-)Learning: That’s a land slide!’

I’m not kidding, I really believe that this is a revolution in the land of learning and development. Just think of it for a moment. You now can put learning in an app and measure the results. You can put learning content in in a website, an intranet, a CD-rom, a flash stick and still record the progress the learners has made.

This means that learning will be freed from the strict (SCORM) boundaries and this will change our world. If your authoring system or (L)CMS is smart enough you can do anything, anywhere, anytime and most importantly on any device! From now on BYOD (bring your own device) is really an option.

We need to rethink e-Learning as we know it. We now have the opportunity to integrate e-Learning with performance support, learning on the job, job and task aids, learning nuggets and whatever forms and shapes you can come up.

For me as CEO of easygenerator it is not the question whether or not to implement TinCan, but the question is how to support a whole new paradigm of learning. Not only will e-Learning break free from the LMS, it will break free from the constraints of a course. I know what I will be doing this summer; figuring out what this really means to the future of learning and trying to come up with didactical concepts to back this up. The future has started now!

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