CEO of Easygenerator

Since I became CEO of easygenerator I wanted to have a clear vision and mission on what we do and why we do it. This led to my blogs on our vision and mission, ‘Output learning’ and ‘bringing learning to the workplace’. At easygenerator we use these ideas to give direction to product development and our market approach. Over the past year I joined these ideas, tried to develop them further and I renamed it to ‘outcome learning’.

Although I developed these ideas to give direction to easygenerator I believe that they apply in a broader context. I want to improve these ideas and by sharing them I hope to get some feedback. Therefore I decided to work them out in more detail in a series of post and I will give presentations about this subject at the DevLearn conference in Las Vegas in November and the Online Educa in Berlin in December.

Outcome learning
Outcome learning is an approach for learning in corporate environments. It can help organizations:

– to steer the learning processes differently,
– decide what kind of learning opportunities to offer
– to measure the effectiveness of learning
– make learning smarter
– connect learning to the day-to-day work.
– improve the ROI of learning efforts

It can help the e-Learning developer to:

– make e-Learning of higher quality
– align e-Learning more with business needs
– connect learning to the workplace
– get better insight in the results of e-Learning

It can help the learner:

– to set his own learning path
– shorten the time he spends on learning
– improve on his learning results

Starting points
I based this approach on the following starting points:

– e-Learning is ready to move to the next level.
– we must use learning objectives instead of page progress.
– we need to bring learning back to the workplace
– we need to tune learning more to the learners needs
– e-Learning development is a collaborative process

Three perspectives
The learning process looks very different depending on the view-point you take. Therefore I will describe it from the perspective of the manager, the e-Learning developer and the learner.

This post is part of a series of post on this subject:

  1. Make e-Learning work: Outcome learning (This post)
  2. Make e-Learning work: Outcome learning (2)
  3. Make e-Learning work: Outcome learning (3): The managers perspective
  4. Make e-Learning work: Outcome learning (4): The developers perspective
  5. Make e-Learning work: Outcome learning (5): The learners perspective
  6. Make e-Learning work: Outcome learning (6): The vendors perspective
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