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Learning Solutions conference: cool Ipad app! #LS2011

I will be attending the eLearning Guild learning Solutions conference in Orlando next week. I will have a lot of appointments around the conference and look forward to the conference itself.

The conference is already of to a great start, thanks to their Ipad app (LSCon 2011). It gives you a complete overview of all sessions. It includes all presentations, speaker profiles, a twitter feed, info on exhibitors, maps of all session rooms et cetera. The only thing missing is an attendee list. The app works simple and offers great value even on my old fashioned Ipad 1.

The coolest thing is that you can create your personalized schedule. You go through a list with all sessions, view the description, info on the presenter and the slides for their presentation. With a click on a button you can add it to your schedule. I did this and added all interesting sessions. The result looks like this:

It really works excellent, you just click on any interesting session and add it to your schedule. In the schedule you can click on a session and it will give you all available information on that session. As you can see in the image, I have yet to decide on the 3 o’clock sessions on Wednesday, I have three candidates. I will check their presentations and descriptions and then choose one. Great for selecting and you have your personal schedule for the conference at your fingertip. This is way better than struggling with a conference book, with no interaction and a lot of weight you have to carry. I really love it. It can’t compete with Flipboard yet, but it comes close. In the future I will only attend conferences that use this or a similar app.

Other posts on LS2011: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, The day after

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